Tuesday, November 8, 2011


So, over the last couple of weeks I've been on a DIY kick. I'm going to do a post on each one sometime soon (hopefully this week). I've been getting all of the ideas from, so i will post the original link with what I did :)

- also...if you want to join pinterest, let me know and I can send you an invite!

Being in our own place is awesome! It obviously has the goods and bads about it but I wouldn't want it any other way now. Funny thing is, we've been there almost 3 months and still aren't fully settled - it really does take a long time haha & before you know it, by the time your settled it's time to move out. anyways, it's wayy different than living in a bedroom lol

So... I will start posting all of my DIY projects in my blog :)