It's been a while. A lot has been going on. Chris and I moved into our first apartment together almost a month ago. We're still getting settled in, it's amazing how long it's taken. I guess since we're so busy during the week, we take the weekends to relax. But we finally got everything unpacked this weekend except for a couple of boxes and I did my first DIY project for the living room...see pictures/steps below :)
1) I took 3 16"x20" canvases & put them together on top of newspaper.

2) Used 3 small bottles of black acrylic paint, made circles and swirls... basically anything to cover the white space. I let the black paint completely dry before the next step.

3) Added some red acrylic paint to match the throw pillows I got from Target (I didn't even use the whole bottle of red).

4) All done! I spaced each canvas 3 1/2 inches apart :)

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